Cat Clinic of Fernandina

97040 Elk Creek Court
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034


Feel free to contact us at the most convenient method below. Please note that medical questions will not be answered via e-mail unless the cat is currently a patient at the Cat Clinic of Fernandina. New clients should call with questions or to make an appointment.

 Cat Clinic of Fernandina

Cat Clinic of Fernandina
97040 Elk Creek Court
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034

Phone Number:
(904) 321-2287

E-mail address:


In the case of an emergency that occurs during our hours of operation, an appointment is not needed. We do request that you call ahead to let us know what is going on with the kitty cat so that we can be prepared to handle the situation at the time of your arrival.

In the case of an emergency that occurs while we are CLOSED, we highly recommend taking your kitty cat to the following emergency clinic:

First Coast Veterinary Emergency
301 Jacksonville Dr. STE 2
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Phone: (904) 853-6310